Sunday, June 1, 2014

I recently got into bitcoin mining. Alot of people are doing it but I haven't heard many people in Pakistan doing it.

Please also consider reading Free Cloud Mining to get you started to get a taste of how all this works free of charge.

What is Bitcoin?
Its a digital currency. I am not going to get into details of how it came about I am sure you can find many links and can look up Wiki to see what it is and how it came about.

How to get it?
I have had big problems with getting it here in Pakistan. To the point where I decided to order up some exp hardware to mine it myself. There are other means though it takes time to mine it. You can check sites such as and

How to mine it?
Well there are different ways. If you have a pc and amd radeon graphic cards, Nvidia gpu's, also cpu mining, asic mining or cloud mining, are few ways you can start off. If you dont want to order extra asics then just simply use your cpu/gpu combo to get you started and earn some bitcoins and trade them later for cloud hashing. Now you might be wondering what cloud mining is. Well its simply someone running the mining equipment for you.

How to do cloud mining?
I have recently been doing alot of it at Cex I trade all the bitcoins(btc) I earn to Ghs hashing power or Scrypt Hashing. The first link will take you to trading for bitcoin mining. Its based on sha-256 and you can mine coins such as bitcoin(btc), namecon(nmc), dvc and ixc. Second site gets you to scrypt mining which are coins like litecoin(ltc), doge(doge), dgc, wdc and many more.

How to get started?
Well if you dont want to order asics I would love to get you started with all the software just give me your email address and I will shoot you a email to get you started on how to mine with your pc to make a little. In return I do ask you to consider using this currency just not for fiat(usd, pkr) trading but to use it to buy and sell your own stuff so we can end the dependency on printed currency and save thousands of tax money on reprinting our existing currencies. Just drop me a msg here with your email address or email me at

Is there anyone accepting these?
Well I plan to start soon. I also have friend who is planning to manually accept these on a trial basis. You can check out his website at, another person who is convinced will offer you his services at if you need any further information on how to trade your bitcoins/litecoins to them for their services you may contact me at my email address listed above.

Please Donate To Bitcoin Address: [[address]]
Donation of [[value]] BTC Received. Thank You.